How to get followed in 40 different languages!
The art of the voyeur,
the stalker in Paris. The auteurs you studied,
the misogyny you watched dance across
scenes of marriages. Matrimony, slurred vowels,
and contretemps over morning croissants.
Cast in a red glow, flushed
from the green fairy’s touch.
Absent-mindedly eyeing the painting
above your date’s head. Satan
holding a naked woman in his arms;
mirrored pose, distilled
absinthe, and the lateness of the evening.
Tu vas me baiser
Your other languages were stronger
than your French. You thought “bailar”
agreed before you knew of an exit clause
your nods puppeteered by the green fairy
buzzing around your heads,
you went to step, toe-heel touch
and got tug, pull-down fuck.
These languages translated easily through
they all look the same when they’re not moving
maybe you should shut up and not say it
keep those lips shut and the other ones might follow
You don’t know how to stop
moving, breathing, laughing,
fucking, crying, sighing,
curling, twirling, all of those
just those things, you know?